
Pfizer Vaccines

An innovative disease awareness project, apt to support users in their approach to prevention

Promoting health with digital

Promote a space dedicated to prevention and health with updates and information on some of the most common preventable diseases in Italy. This is the challenge that Pfizer’s Vaccines Business Unit has entrusted to Polk&Union.

We responded with AzionePrevenzione, a creative omnichannel platform, whose digital approach was structured with a view to patient centricity. A project that is an intrinsic part of the broader digital transformation process brought about by Pfizer’s Vaccines division, whose DNA and history have always had innovation as its essential asset.

Building disease awareness with an organic digital hub on all-round prevention

The new digital ecosystem has managed to progressively establish itself as a reference point for the population, being able to address different audiences authoritatively but with an engaging tone of voice and to focus on the issue of prevention through various areas of interest (from specific diseases to the value of vaccines and general information).

At the heart of this new digital hub is the website, supported by the creation of Facebook and Instagram social channels. The Eddy chatbot was then added, to establish a direct and two-way dialogue with users, now more than ever engaged in searching useful information on their health online to guide their choices.


  • Strategic Thinking
  • Creative Concept
  • Content Production
  • SEO Content Optimization
  • Medical Writing


  • Web Design Development
  • Content Creation
  • Blog Content Management
  • Social Media Launch & Management
  • Digital Media
  • Chatbot
  • Station Domination


Brand Awareness


Website Traffic


Positioning & Consideration


Community Engagement

Generating awareness and calling users to action

AzionePrevenzione was created to motivate users to act, keep informed, become aware and ask their doctors for advice. To achieve this goal, we focused on content quality and clarity, building authority with a tone of voice that balanced between lightness and reliability. Accordingly, SEO-based content strategies were defined to intercept users, combined with a data driven approach aimed at steering these strategies towards the topics that would most interest the target audiences. The use of creative advertising campaigns, with testimonials and influencer marketing activities, combined with Eddy chatbot interactions (26,725 from September 2021 to November 2021), allowed to trigger the attention of users with a view to disease awareness (Meningitis, Pneumonia, TBE). Each of these assets has led to the creation of a broad and loyal community around AzionePrevenzione.

Eddy’s name comes from “Educational”, to underline once again the goal of this project: not only stimulating audiences and guiding them towards awareness and deep dive in the field of risk factors and diseases, but also encouraging users to turn to their doctor for an opinion.

Born in 2017, AzionePrevenzione continues to evolve and improve: an increasingly complex project that is constantly enhanced in terms of content, employed resources, objectives, involved target audiences, platform and touch point differentiation. A challenge that is renewed day after day.

Social creativity for AzionePrevenzione, a disease awareness project for Pfizer Vaccines

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